Monday, June 29, 2009

photo 149...

While we were at the lake, Buster had a mini vacation himself. He stayed at this boarding place here by our house. He has been there a time or two before and this is also where he gets groomed. He enjoyed his stay and came home with this fancy shmancy bandana since he was groomed while he was there. Landry was loving his bandana...flames and all!

They wore him out! He has done nothing but sleep since he got home. He even slept through his dinnertime..and that NEVER happens!

photo 148...

This is a picture of our was beautiful inside and out! We rented two cabins for the seven families. In this cabin we had all the families with Big Kids and the three families with Babies stayed together in the other cabin. We didn't feel like we were on top of each other and the arrangements worked out great!

Fun times were had by all!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

photo 147...

Tonight we had the yummiest burgers EVER! The boys made them to order. We had bacon, cheese, peppers, and tons of spices to go in them. This is Bobby's burger just before it went on the grill. Nothin' like burgers on a lake trip!

Friday, June 26, 2009

photo 146...

Roasted Marshmallows....

Tonight was the night we let the big kids stay up late so they could roast marshmallows (they don't like s'mores) and catch fireflies. It was pretty stinkin' hot, so the fire was not such a great idea... but we had fun any way!

This is Ashton's marshmallow getting roasted...she loved it once it was done. The kids had so much fun chasing fireflies and catching them.

I will have tons of pictures from the entire trip on our blog soon!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

photo 145...

Heading to Broken Bow...Caravan Style!

We met up with "The Crew" this morning so we could head out to the lake together. We had a caravan with six of our seven families. The Deckers were going to meet us there later today.

After we made a few last minute purchases at Target and made a quick morning snack run to Chick-Fil-A we were off! The Leonards gave us a thumbs up for the picture...I only wish I had gotten a picture of our whole entire caravan!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

photo 144...

Getting ready for the lake...

Here we are the night before our Lake Trip 2009! I am getting things ready to go...and let me tell you that there seems to be a lot of stuff for 3 1/2 days! I keep adding to the pile of stuff that needs to be put in the car after we take Buster to be boarded in the morning!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

photo 143...

My Laundry "Helper"

I am in the midst of trying to get things all taken care of for our lake trip on Thursday. One of the things I need to get done is laundry. As soon as Landry sees me with their clothes hampers she immediately comes to "help".

Right now she is OBSESSED with trying to dress herself...and will put anything on that she can find. This is why she gets so excited by laundry. I really don't mind her "helping" with clean clothes, but don't so much love her in the dirty clothes! I am constantly chasing her off of the dirty clothes piles...and have to put them where she can't them! Life with a toddler=FUN!

Monday, June 22, 2009

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Landry and her sweet friend Reese!

I am so glad that Landry has a sweet little friend. She LOVES Reese. They go to My Gym together ( but met at StrollerFit) and we have had a couple of play dates, but definitely need to have more. These two give the BEST little toddler hugs...and it is super cute.

Becky and I have been meaning to get a picture of them together for a while, but neither one of us ever thinks to bring a camera.

Today, Reese hosted a play group at her house and we swam in her pool and played in Reese's Barbie house. Becky had her camera (I forgot mine) so she emailed me some of the pictures she took. This one is of them playing in the Barbie house!

I just love cute these little girls are and hope they continue being good friends!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

photo 141...

This is what we made for Bobby and hung up so when he walked out of the bedroom this morning, this is the first thing he saw! He loved it AND we had so much fun making it for him!

Happy Father's Day!

{More Father's Day details to come on our Family Blog!}

Saturday, June 20, 2009

photo 140...


This is the nest that has been on our patio for while now. The baby birds hatched and have come and gone. I have scrubbed, and bleached, and scrubbed, and bleached the bird poo off the patio so the girls could play. It is gross to look at and I didn't want Landry to take interest in it. Not to mention...ew yuck!

So... I asked Bobby if we could remove the nest and maybe that would keep the birds away. Well...we had no idea there were more eggs in there until today. Oops! I thought once birds laid and hatched eggs that was it for the season...guess I was wrong!

We messed up that whole thing...because since we have touched touched it and taken it down I doubt the mama bird will take care of the eggs. Only...the mama bird came back and she is NOT happy!

We feel horrible that we messed with the nest in the first place! But now our girls won't get any disgusting diseases from the bird poo!

Friday, June 19, 2009

photo 139...

Practice makes perfect...right?

Tonight our sweet Lan-Lan P is having a *practice run* sleeping in her Pack-n-Play. We have two trips coming up in the next couple of weeks and this is where she will be resting her little head. After she had some trouble sleeping in it at the Leonards about a month ago, we felt we needed to practice. Especially since we will be sleeping in a cabin at the lake with 3 other families on one of our trips!

Poor girl was so confused....the Pack-n-Play is set up in our guest room. It is however complete with all of her sleeping necessities. So once we had three stories, her songs, and I put her down...she cried for just a few minutes before drifting off into dreamland. Let's just hope she sleeps through the night!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

photo 138...

Ashton's Fun Summer Haircut

This actually happened yesterday, but we figured we would use it for our 365 today so Mamo & Papo could see it. She has needed and wanted her hair cut for a few weeks. So yesterday we got it done. She wanted it cut to her chin...but this was her second choice for the length.

It is so sits so nicely on her shoulders, and when it is actually styled it has a cute little flip at the bottom...and so great for summer! She is in LOVE with her haircut and we think it is pretty cute too!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

photo 137...

Tonight we tried this yummy recipe that I got from a "Blog Friend's" menu blog. She always finds the neatest and usually easiest recipes and puts them on there. I LOVE new recipes and this one turned out to be a hit in our house. Our two pickiest eaters {Daddy & Ashton} approved... so it is a keeper! Daddy didn't have high hopes for liking it, but was pleasantly surprised!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

photo 136...

This is what you would call~A Wet Mess! Grammy and Grampy bought Landry this "Arctic Blast" water table since they know how much she LOVES to play in the water. They scored HUGE on this...she was in heaven!

You can't really tell in this picture, but the front half of her shirt is TOTALLY soaked! She was splashing in the water...and getting her hair wet with her hands...this is a new fave thing of hers. She was having a ball! You can actually see water dripping from her arms. Ashton also loved this new little toy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

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More summertime fun in the Bryce Backyard....

Since the pool with a toddler, by myself is kind of a beating...we decided to find alternative ways of beating the Texas heat and playing outside. This was Ashton's choice and we busted it out today. I have a ton of more pictures and details to come!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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chubby little toddler hands in the sand....i'm lovin' it!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

photo 133...

Annual Heroes Baseball Game....

This is the third year we have been out to the Heroes Charity Baseball game at the Dr. Pepper Ballpark here in Frisco. Mike Modano runs this as a way of raising money for the Mike Modano Foundation. The teams are made up of celebrities both from the tv world and the athletic world. The game is so entertaining and it is a great atmosphere.

Other than it being hot, everyone had a blast!

Friday, June 12, 2009

photo 132...

This purchase today made Ashton's entire summer! We have been looking in literally every single store we go into trying to find a cute hat for Ashton to wear this summer. We have had no luck~until today. She is in LOVE with this sassy and super cute make it even better....Macy and Carly got the same hat too!

I am just glad we found a hat...I love it...she loves it....and Daddy loves it! The search is over....thank goodness! Who would have thought that a hat would be such a difficult item to find!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

photo 131...

can you figure out what's missing from my hubby's hand?

I am sure you guessed it...his wedding ring! He lost it the other night and bless his heart, he {with the help of several other people} spent a good chunk of time yesterday looking for it. He feels horrible and we are both devastated!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

photo 130...

This is our weather radio...we have it set to beep when there is a tornado warning. Tonight it beeped several times. It is loud enough that we were in the kitchen having supper and we heard it all the way from our master bathroom.

We got this handy piece of equipment last year after we had the sirens go off in the middle of the night. We wondered what would have happened had we not heard the sirens.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

photo 129...

Landry's owie

With as much as this girl falls, it is amazing that we haven't had more "owies". Unfortunately, this is a double doozy. She fell and skinned her knee on Friday evening and then fell again today and skinned the same the same spot...on top of the other owie. Poor girl! She didn't cry...she is kind of proud of her owie. She walks around and when she notices it, she points to it and says "owwww".

{this was the best picture I could get from a toddler who is on the go non-stop}

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My current favorite veggie....grilled asparagus drizzled with olive oil and pepper....yumm-o!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

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A Perfect Summertime Dessert!

Ashton has been asking since...oh about April for me to get popsicles for dessert. This is one of the things I save for summer...we got some of our usual Dreyers Real Fruit Bars at the store today. Both girls were thrilled to enjoy popsicles.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

photo 126...

Look at this perfect ballerina bun....I can't take the credit for this one. Ashton & Macy's FABULOUS ballet teacher did the buns for all of the girls in her class so they would look just perfect for the showcase. I was super excited when she said she was going to do less thing for me to stress over! {More details to come on the family blog}

Friday, June 5, 2009

photo 125...

silly little girl...

Tonight we went over to Nathan and Jill's to celebrate Mr. Nathan's birthday. Whenever we go over there, we hang in the backyard. Landry was finding her own entertainment and "chair" that was just her size....the hose box.

Miss Jodi snapped this picture...and as you can see, Landry was quite proud of herself!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

photo 124...

Our first visual reminder of what grade our BG is going into....

Ashton got to choose what we had for dinner tonight since it was her last day of school. No one is surprised that she chose breakfast for dinner which means pink pancakes and bacon. I decided to make her pancakes extra special to mark the end of the year.

She was so tickled to see that her pancake was in the shape of a two...which represents...SECOND GRADE!

Holy did that just happen....WOW!

It will probably take me all summer to get used to saying that I have a second grader...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

photo 123...

Bubbles + Bath time = FUN!

Both of our girls love bubbles and just can't get enough of them. We have been playing with bubbles during bath time since Ashton was a baby.... and here we are almost 7 years later and still playing with bubbles just now it is with BOTH of our girls! Tonight while Bobby was bathing the girls, I decided to "play" with the new lens and take a few pictures. I love this one of all the bubbles from Landry's bubble bath time bubble machine!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

photo 122...


I have been waiting since Mother's Day for this new lens to arrive on our front door step and today it did! Can I just say that I am in absolute love with this thing and I have only taken 5 pictures with it!!!!

I took this picture with my new you see the greatness of the the sunlight on left and the blurriness in the background...and it is so crisp and clear! I am in love! I can't WAIT to play with it some more. Everyone I know who has this lens loves it! Yay....Yay...Yay!

Monday, June 1, 2009

photo 121...

Going to the beach....I mean school!

Since this is the last week of school, first grade is doing some fun things to wind down the year. Today was "Beach Day". The kids were to wear hats and shades and bring a towel and a special drink to enjoy.

So here is our beach girl...who is almost not a first grader!