Monday, February 9, 2009

photo 9...

Stroller Fit... is where Landry and I spend 3 mornings a week. I wanted to find something to help me get back in shape after Landry was born, but didn't want to leave her in the child care at the gym since A) she was so little and B) it was right in the middle of flu and rsv season. This program allows me to workout while Landry is with me. I absolutely LOVE it!

This a picture (taken with my diaper bag camera) of my stroller just before we got started...complete with all of my workout gear and Landry's snacks and toys!

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said...

okay. the cutie shoes and the bow are too much! she looks adorable! how long did the bow make it today? welp...i wanna eat her!