Tuesday, August 31, 2010

photo 212 of 365...

Today we took our Littlest Girl to preschool, so we had our traditional "Starbucks Date" before BB had to be at his meeting.  This one was a drive-thru date because we also drove my filthy car through the car wash since Landry is afraid of the car wash. 

We both enjoyed iced caramel macchiatos and I think the Starbucks Dude must have known that I was needing some extra caramel in mine because is was particularly yummy!

Monday, August 30, 2010

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These were LP's bedtime stories tonight....ya know since she starts PRESCHOOL tomorrow!  Grammy and Grampy gave her Spot Goes to School and My First Day at Preschool was the book we bought for Ashton just before she started school.

Landry is one excited little two year old...she can't wait to go to school tomorrow! I hope it all goes smoothly!

photo 210 of 365...

Today we worked on some more home improvement projects, even though we didn't get as much as we wanted accomplished because my Hubs has a very hurt rib/ab area right now. I was actually impressed that he was even able to bend himself under the girls' sinks to install their new faucets.

Their bathroom lights are waiting for my Hubs' ribs/abs to get better so we can say adios to the "Hollywood Lights" in their sink areas!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

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Our littlest girl is pretty much 100% potty trained!  I couldn't help but snap this shot of her sitting on the potty just before she put her bedtime diaper (which bedtime and naptime dipes have been dry for about the last week or so) on. 

I love her wittle feet dangling from the BIG potty. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

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This morning it was so pleasant outside that when Landry and Reese asked to go outside, I said "YES!" They had fun playing in the water table and sand table on the patio in the shade. I actually sat out there and didn't even break a sweat!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Ashton's first assignment to be done at home as a THIRD grader....she got to decorate a piece card stock to slip in the front of her Thursday Folder.  She was pretty pumped because she has never been able to have a "decoration" on her Thrusday Folder before. 

She said, "Mommy, I think 3rd grade is going to be way cooler than 2nd grade!" In the last few days she has seen how the teachers treat them "older" and she is quickly noticing the differences of what you can do in third that you can't do in second. She's thinking third grade is COOL!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

photo 206 of 365...

This morning when I was brushing Landry's teeth and getting her hair stuff she said, "Mommy I want a bwaid like Ashton....can I have a bwaid in my hair peeese?"

So I made a braid in her hair...she looks way too big to me and I am sure it is partly to do with the fact that she requested the hair-do which just doesn't happen.

She was pretty proud of her teeny tiny "bwaid".

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

photo 205 of 365...

Do you know what happens right about this time EVERY single night...and has for most of the summer?

The stupid ice cream truck comes through our neighborhood and completely FREAKS my littlest girl out. I mean freaks her out....she screams and yells "I gared....come hode me....i gared.....the ice cream truck gonna get me....come hode me peeeeeeese!!!"

It is the most frustrating thing...other than when it comes during nap time and every Thursday when the trash AND recycling trucks come during nap time and she reacts the exact same way!

Doesn't the stinkin' ice cream truck know that summer is over?  

Monday, August 23, 2010

photo 204 of 365...

Our girl went off to her first day of THIRD grade today! She was so excited and ready!

{I know I already put a picture of her backpack as a 365, but I wanted to a thing and not a person, weird I know...and I apologize for the horrible quality of this picture!}

Sunday, August 22, 2010

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We spent our ENTIRE Sunday painting Ashton's room and bathroom.  Bye Bye yellow and green.  Do we know how to have fun or what?!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

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This is our fearless little one jumping in the lake off of our friends' boat. We all had a blast until Landry got sea sick after lunch....not fun at all!  

Friday, August 20, 2010

photo 201 of 365...

As we went to meet Ashton't THIRD grade teacher, we quickly realized that a third grade classroom is much different, starting with her name tag with her name written in full on CURSIVE!

She is beyond thrilled and excited (and just a little nervous) to have the teacher she has and to be starting third grade! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

photo 200 of 365...

Today, Daddy got home from his business trip to Boston and he brought each of us girls a pink hat as a little souvenir. The girls don't care that the B stands for the Boston Red Sox...they are just thrilled to have a hat with a B for Bryce!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Today our BG started her sixth year of dance....which means she moved into Ballet II and Jazz II!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

photo 198 of 365...

Today after a very "trying" time at the dance store with a two year old (ask Jodi she was there with her girls), we opted for NOT going to an actual restaurant for lunch but rather grabbing something to take home and eat...in peace.  Ashton and I were both VERY excited by our choice with a little surprise thrown in....Kids Eat Free on Tuesdays even with take out!

So since Landry only wanted a grilled cheese and I could make that at home, I got Ashton's lunch for F-R-E-E!  My lunch also gave me some leftovers for tomorrow's lunch!

Hooray for Scotty P's! Hooray for eating in peace!  Hooray for FREE!  Hooray for yummy french fries and yummy grilled chicken tenders!

Monday, August 16, 2010

photo 197 of 365...

This is what happens when Mommy is trying to get a few things done in the office and a little two year old girl wants to be right there with her Mommy. We bust out Landry's Craft Box and she goes to town with stickers, markers, toddler scissors, crayons, and Color Wonder. 

Doesn't that look like fun?! And yes she is wearing panties with no diaper!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

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Our BG is pretty excited about her new toothbrush! To her, the best part was that she was able to decorate it and make it her own. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

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Guess who is doing so GREAT with her potty training that we now have a "Potty Bag" for her so we can try going potty in public!

Friday, August 13, 2010

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A certain little girl in our house filled up her first potty chart which means we took a trip to the "Princess Store" today so she could pick out a little reward!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

photo 192 of 365...

We have been on the hunt for a new backpack for what seems like forever now! Last year our BG had a "Messenger" bag and after using it last year, we decided we needed to switch pack to the good ole regular backpack.

She was BEYOND excited when we found this one online and even more excited when it was delivered to our house today.  She even said, "Mommy, I love this so much that I think I will just use this for the rest of my time in elementary."

I am glad a little thing like a backpack that was 40% off can make her super happy! I am even more glad we have the backpack situation under control. Now, if we could just find a solid black lunch box!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

photo 192 of 365...

You know what these bad boys are?

They are pure deliciousness! I got this recipe off of this blog and let me just tell you that these are so yummy....like not even kidding sooooo yummy!

I literally could have eaten the entire batch....they are that GOOD!

There are always tons of great recipes and crafty things on her blog!

These are a MUST TRY!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

photo 191 of 365...

This is one of Landry's most favorite things about swimming lessons and Miss Sara every week!

I only wish I hadn't been taking this picture through the window because her face is priceless! She was laughing and giggling and happy as can be!
This is our "NO FEAR" girl at her best!

Monday, August 9, 2010

photo 190 of 365...

When your Grammy and Great Ninny come to visit you on a HOT August night, you just HAVE to have a nice cool sno cone to cool you off!

{Landry was waaaayyy more interested in her snocone than looking at the camera for a picture-shocker!}

Sunday, August 8, 2010

photo 189 of 365...

Since Macy and Carly spent the night at our house last night, this morning we headed to breakfast to meet Mr. Bill and Miss Jodi so we could give their girls back. Not to mention, we love any excuse to have breakfast together!

The girls thought it was pretty cool to all ride in the same car. I tried to get a picture of all four of them as we were leaving the house, but it didn't work. Instead, I got the two big girls sitting in the way back thinking they were SO cool to sit back there all by themselves!

This is just a glimpse of what is to come I am sure!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Tonight Macy's and Carly's Mimi did us a HUGE favor...she came over to our house to watch all FOUR girls so we could go to Miss Rebecca's SURPRISE birthday party! Yep, she even agreed to watch Landry the two year old!!!

Ashton and Landry were beyond excited to have Miss Jodi's Mommy at OUR house and that Macy and Carly were going to sleepover too!

We SO appreciate Mimi's help on this!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

photo 187 of 365...

bath colors=happy little Landry!

Landry LOVES to have her bath water colored....and we have been out of the colors for a while which has been a bummer when bath time rolls around.

Last weekend while Daddy was on his trip with the guys, the girls and I ran into Wal Mart real quick and discovered this little trial pack of Elmo colors ....for a dollar! Since I had never used these before (we have only ever used Crayola colors) I didn't want to buy a the regular container just in case they made the tub turn funny colors or something. So this little pack was perfect to try!

Landry was beyond excited and they worked just fine...no staining of kids or tubs or wash cloths!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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The girls were in desperate need of having their toes repainted so tonight was the night. And ever since Ashton got a super cool pedicure kit for her birthday she has bee dying to use it or at least some part of it. So...she busted out the toe separators and was tickled!

As you can see, she chose purple nail polish with iridescent sparkles while Lan-Lan chose pink with white polka dots.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

photo 185 of 365...


I bought these Popsicles for the girls and they love them! I mean they love them....I have tasted them too and they are really yummy and only 40 calories!

The girls have had one every single night for dessert since Sunday....they are just perfect for a hot summer evening!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

photo 184 of 365...

Our BG is going to golf camp this week for the 2nd year and she is loving it!

She is so pumped about her new clubs-she was a little disappointed they weren't pink and that they are UT orange, but she has clubs!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

photo 183 of 365...

Someone in our house decided today she was not going to wear her diaper, she wanted to wear panties.

I hadn't planned on potty training until Thanksgiving break but since she has decided she wants to try, we will see how it goes. I am not totally convinced she is ready, but we will give it a shot!

Wish us luck!

We had planned on having the "Bink Fairy" come visit her this week....guess that isn't happening now. I think we can only handle one major change at a time!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

photo 182 of 365...

last day of our girls weekend=breakfast of the girls' choice!

the girls both LOVE donuts and we don't have them often, so when they get to choose breakfast they almost always choose dunkin donuts!

they were in heaven and enjoyed every crumb!