Thursday, March 19, 2009

photo 47...

Ashton was tired...of walking and me taking her picture!

After I got home from Stroller Fit this morning, we met Miss Jill and baby Allie for a walk around the neighborhood. It ended up being a 45 minute walk because the weather was so nice and the babies were enjoying it! Ashton pushed her baby in the second stroller we have for Landry. She had a blast~but was tuckered out when we got home.

Once we got home, I was taking pictures of the girls and their strollers...I only took three, but Ashton was done and ready to go inside.

I didnt' realize I had captured this "look" until I looked at them on the it!

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said...

oh how i love that look too. and i know it well over in this house! :) glad that y'all had a nice walk! perfect day for it! :)