Friday, May 29, 2009

photo 118...


This is what Landry kept yelling as she was playing in the water today! We had a fun little playgroup and picnic with some of our "blogging buddies". We met at this fabulous spray park...this girl had a blast! She was not afraid of the water at all and was in heaven!

I will blog more about this fun time...and hopefully I can beg and borrow some pictures from Jodi...I was way too busy chasing Landry and couldn't have my camera with me...I was afraid it would get ruined in the water. I did however manage to get a few pics!


Kristin said...

I had to laugh out loud at this picture. I'm done with the ruffle bottom pictures in my house :( It's adorable - LOVE it!!

Susan said...

So cute! Funny thing, we went to a spray park today too...only I forgot my camera - ugh! And it was Elyse's first. So bummed. All the kids were bigger (mostly Eric's friends) it would be fun to go with little girls sometime! Elyse loved it too! I'm glad to see you got a few pics. Love it!

Becky said...

Absolutely adorable picture:)))) I heart Lan Lan P!

Kristi Joy said...

Wah-Wah! You have to get some video of little Landry talking and post on your other blog! I wanna her that little voice! :)

I got one of those little Flip Video things, I love it (just need to remember to use it more.) SOOOO easy, little, very cool!

Cute, cute, cute pic! With matching little pink shoes too! :)

Love that pink girl!