Thursday, June 11, 2009

photo 131...

can you figure out what's missing from my hubby's hand?

I am sure you guessed it...his wedding ring! He lost it the other night and bless his heart, he {with the help of several other people} spent a good chunk of time yesterday looking for it. He feels horrible and we are both devastated!


The Leonard Four said...

i am SO sorry that h2 lost his ring! that totally stinks!!!!!!

Grammy/Mom said...

That is what happens when you lose a lot of weight!!! I'm soooooo sorry, hopefully someone have a metal detector?

Kristi Joy said...

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that! Hopefully it turns up?!?

I bet he does feel bad. That had to be a hard day!

Jill said...

Nathan, of course, never told me about this. I'm SO sorry. I can't believe we were just talking about losing wedding rings last Friday and then Bobby lost his. Hopefully he'll get lucky like Nathan and it will turn up when he's least expecting it.