Tuesday, June 16, 2009

photo 136...

This is what you would call~A Wet Mess! Grammy and Grampy bought Landry this "Arctic Blast" water table since they know how much she LOVES to play in the water. They scored HUGE on this...she was in heaven!

You can't really tell in this picture, but the front half of her shirt is TOTALLY soaked! She was splashing in the water...and getting her hair wet with her hands...this is a new fave thing of hers. She was having a ball! You can actually see water dripping from her arms. Ashton also loved this new little toy!


The Leonard Four said...

wonderful wet fun, fun, FUN! maybe this needs to be a "nehked" activity! :) love that little wet noodle!

Kristi Joy said...

Too darn cute! I can see those drops of water on her arm. What is it with kiddos and water? What a fun combination! :)

Sweet girl. Super cute shirt too!