Tuesday, September 15, 2009

photo 227...

Flu Shots!

Today Bobby and I got our flu shots. It was perfect...right after Ashton finished with dance we headed over to get our shots. They didn't hurt a bit.....the girls get theirs next week so the flu can stay away from the Bryce house.

I think I have pretty much scared my kid and made her a "hand washing nazi"...is that bad? Not if she keeps her hands clean and doesn't get the flu!


The Leonard Four said...

right there with ya sista!

The Johnson's said...

We got our flu shots today too!!!!

Kristi Joy said...

We'll be getting our next week! :) Yes even Gavin shows us how to wash our hands...they had an expert from the county come talk to the kids about it. Too funny for a 3 year old to say - this is how you wash your hands. Do this...and this...and this... ha!