Tuesday, December 15, 2009

photo 318...

Who Took the Candy in the Candy Dish?

This last mint candy belongs to Little Miss Ashton. We have this candy dish decoration that I fill with candy. The candy disappears often (Daddy and I have a hard time walking by it without grabbing a piece-I even bought candy with a wrapper so it wouldn't be as tempting) and last night after dinner, Ashton took one for her dessert and she claimed this last one for her dessert tonight. She requested that Mommy and Daddy didn't eat it. Ha...love this girl!


Kristi Joy said...

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Not me? Then who??? Surely it wasn't little Miss Landry...not sure she could get that package open! Daddy?????

The Leonard Four said...

atta girl...stake your claim mama!!! :)