Monday, December 21, 2009

photo 324...

silly girls!

I was trying to get a picture of the girls for their thank you cards and you all know how pictures with Landry goes these days. After I had taken a few and was DONE with the lack of cooperation from a certain toddler, Ashton called me back in to the office. She was pretty proud of herself because she came up with this pose and was able to get Landry to cooperate for about 2 seconds. This was what I got....needless to say, this is not the picture I am using on the card!


Kristi Joy said...

Too cute! Love those toddlers and all the "fun" they bring to life.

Really, now wouldn't it be just soooo boring, if they both sat their and smiled perfect smiles on the first picture? What is the adventure in that?!? Ha!!

Pic turned out pretty darn cute, I wouldn't mind it in a thank you card! :) Hee-hee!

The Leonard Four said...


i love landry's spunk and i love ashton's innovative little mine! LOVE THEM TO BITS!