Monday, January 11, 2010

photo 345...

This "cup stacking" is an activity the kids learn and practice every year in PE as part of an eye-hand coordination skill. I remember the excitement and buzz when I was teaching from my students. This is Ashton's third year to do "cup stacking" and she loves it!

They have actual cups that are made for this activity that you can order through the school. Ashton was telling me about the cup stacking ordering process today-trying hard to convince me we needed to get them for her. Later on, she asked me for some cups that she could use to practice. She must have practiced for about 15 or 20 would have been longer if she hadn't been interrupted when dinner was ready.


The Leonard Four said...

that's too cute! i love that she was trying to convince you to get her the "real" cups! :)

The Taylor Family said...

Gracie had been doing the same thing! She LOVES cup stacking!