Friday, February 19, 2010

photo 19 of 365...

Happy Birthday To ME!

Our sweet friends the Olsons gave me a gift certificate to Shutterfly for my birthday and Kynda made me promise to make sure I got something for myself with it. As soon as I got it, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted...a photo collage! I have wanted one of these for a really long time, but never wanted to get it for myself so this was perfect!

I had fun going through my pictures and it was hard to choose only 9 (that is the most you can do) but I was able to do it. I fell in love with the picture when it came (I only wish I had edited some of the pictures a little better but any who I still love it) and today I was SUPER excited to find a frame for it!

Now I just need to hang it...I think I might be just a little addicted...I have so many ideas of other collages I would like to do. I am a TOTAL sucker when it comes to pictures!

Thanks Team Olson....I love, love, love my collage!


The Leonard Four said...

SO CUTE and what a fun gift idea! i'm going to remember that! i don't think that i even knew that they had gc's available! LOVE IT friend...can't wait to see it in person!

The Four Fewells said...

Okay, lots to say! LOVE the new look! Precious! Gorgeous collage of two cuties! AND I love that Ashton is posting as well! So, so sweet--all of it!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that!

What a great way to spend a gift card!

I might have to look into that myself... what a perfect gift!