Monday, September 27, 2010

photo 239 of 365...

PLEASE ... Help A Sista Out!

~I am a HORRIBLE decorator.

~I don't use many accessories because I don't know what to do with them, or how to arrange them, or even what to get.  (My brain just doesn't work that way at all!)

~I have never had a lamp on this end table because I have had small children who would pull it off.

~But now, I think I need something to go on this table with this lonely lamp that I just got today which is why the tags are still on.

~I would LOVE any ideas or suggestions...


The Leonard Four said...

how 'bout a bowl of limes? you have green goin' on in there and i think that a pop of color would be good! :)

Meg said...

Do you do frames of any sort in your house? We do black n white pictures throughout our house, and I frame scenic vacation pictures and put them on some end tables! A nice reminder of a pleasant memory!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh I love the lamp!

I'm SO not a decorator either! But those suggestions above sound GREAT!!