Wednesday, October 6, 2010

photo 248 of 365...


Landry discovered a new found "friend" today. You see, this "string bink" has been in her diaper bag since our vacation in July. We haven't used her diaper bag in about 2 months (but I'm just not ready to get rid of her diaper bag just yet) and she saw it in her closet. She asked me what was in her bag and I told her nothing she needed.  Well, while I was busy she was "playing" in her room. The next thing I know, she comes to me and says, "Mommy! Come here (insert her grabbing me by the hand and pulling me to her room) see what I found.  And there it was....her "STRING  BINK" and the ransacked diaper bag that she had pulled off the shelf with a little help from her stool! She was so excited....and this has been her bink of choice ever since she pulled it out of her bag.


The Leonard Four said...

HA...she struck gold! and man oh man, is that girl persistent! :)

Anonymous said...

Look at that sweet little hand reaching for that binky! Cute story!