Saturday, October 16, 2010

photo 258 of 365...

Even though today is a Saturday...and even though our house in on the market....and even though we could get a "30 minute notice" phone call at any time....I decided we can't put our lives on complete we busted out the cookie cutters, the icing, and the sprinkles....and made and decorated Halloween cookies.

You all know how I feel about traditions and I feel like my girls (and even me too) are being deprived a little since we can't really decorate for fall like we usually do, so it was muy importante for us to keep with at least one tradition!


The Leonard Four said...

i was hoping we could squeeze this in this year! why does october have to be so stinkin' busy??? hope y'all had fun!

Anonymous said...

Making cookies is just about the best tradition of every single holiday!

I'm glad you were able to get it in... even on a Saturday with your house on the market!