Thursday, November 11, 2010

photo 284 of 365...

Today was SILLY SOCK DAY at LP's preschool. She chose these bright colored stars and stripes socks from Target; however, she didn't quite understand the silly sock thing when it came time to put them on.  She was very upset that I was putting socks on her feet that DIDN'T match. She threw a fit and finally let me put them on her, and she barely let me take her picture.  

Once we got to school, she was excited to see that Miss Karen, Miss Shelly, and Miss Kristy all had silly sock on too.

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said...

hehehe...i can just SEE that un-matching fit! wonder where she could possibly get that character trait from?!?! :)

ps...i love that we both got little girl silly socks at target. we are so meant to be friends. :)