Friday, December 31, 2010

The End.

I have been struggling with the idea of whether or not to keep my 365 going. I know that I am not on the true calendar year since I started this on February first two years ago, but I wanted to keep it a true 365. To mess it up even more, I am not even going to finish out this full year of 365s.

After weighing my options and considering what is most important, I have come to the conclusion that I just can't do it all. Now that the girls are getting older and becoming more active, it is hard for me to keep up with it along with our family blog. I have decided that I want to focus my attention on our family blog and I want to begin working on my Blog Books for the girls.

While I have enjoyed my 365....and I have loved that I have been able to take a picture everyday...and I have been able to capture little snip-its of our everyday lives...I feel like this is the perfect time to end it.

I appreciate those of you who have read it and who have commented...I really have enjoyed doing it.


Grammy/Mom said...


The Leonard Four said...

we ARE so on the same wavelength! :) it's been fun while it lasted!

Kristi Joy said...

Wow! It was quite a ride huh! I've enjoyed seeing this one...but completely understand, heck, I couldn't keep up with just my one blog! :)

I think you did a great job and had some super cute, awesome and fun pics on here!

Here's to a great 2011 Ms Erin Bryce! :)

Sister/Aunt Becky said...

Erin, thank you so much for your almost 2 years of Photos. It has been a great way to get a quick look at what is happening in your life. I will certainly miss it. It is always the first favorite I look at each day. Thanks again. Love you all

The Taylor Family said...

I have really enjoyed your 365 project!! Happy 2011!!

Rebecca said...

Dear Erin,
Blessings to you and yours in 2011. I loved your photo a day blog but, completely understand. I have two blogs too. One for creative stuff and the other family related. With triplets plus one it's hard to be consistent with both blogs. I am wishing you all the best and will miss checking in.