Monday, December 13, 2010

photo 316 of 365...

Well...the day that someone figured out how to get OUT of her crib has finally arrived!

She made her first great escape last night and we were TOTALLY surprised (and scared)!  Now that I know she can do it, it adds a whole new level of worry. I don't feel comfortable putting her in her crib because "what if she falls out when she is trying to get out"...what then?

We weren't planning on putting her in a big girl bed until we moved into the new for now, this is how she sleeps.  She was so proud and so happy to have her mattress on the floor just like a big girl.  She did great and went to sleep with no problems and slept really really well!

So for now, since Grace is not her middle name, she will "learn" how to sleep without being in a crib which means if when she falls, she isn't falling far. Do I love that this is the new set way, but I can live with it temporarily!


Susan said...

That is the sweetest picture! I just want to give her a squeeze!

The Leonard Four said...


they way she is laying is DELISH! such a FIESTY little love!!! :)

Becky said...

OMG I can't believe it!! I love her:))) I wish I could have heard the story in person!

Remember Reese did this over a year ago, Bob asked her to show us how she climbed out and in the process she banged her chin getting out the second time. We gave her a very stern lecture about never climbing out b/c she could get hurt and she should call for us instead and it has worked..shocking for my kid but it has worked...might be worth a try?

With all the other changes going on in our life right now we CANT get rid of the crib:)