Wednesday, March 11, 2009

photo 39...

This is Landry....doing her practice skill for this week from her My Gym class...a head stand!

Yep...that's right...our 14 month old loves doing assisted head stands and back flips. I am sure one of these days she will bust out trying to do these things on her own...that is just the "no fear" kind of kid she is these days! Lord help me....

She loved it when we did it in class on Tuesday and she loved even more doing it at home for Daddy and Ashton. Tonight after the girls had their baths....Daddy did a real headstand....impressive I know~I don't think I could do one! She {and Ashton both} got the biggest kick out of this. Then she wanted to do her hers...

She toddles over, she bends her little body over and lays her head sideways on the ground (hiney in the air) so one of us will help her up to her headstand. I am so glad we grabbed the camera and were able to get a picture of it. I didn't capture the ginormous smile on her face or the sweet little giggles and belly laugh that she was doing. Bummer!

We will work on getting descriptive skills and the picture don't do it any justice!

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said...

so stinkin' cute! and somehow i can see the ginormous smile and i can hear the sweet little giggles and belly laugh...all from your pic!