Sunday, August 23, 2009

photo 204...

Another little tradition of ours....

So we have this little tradition that we do for Ashton on the last weekend before school starts. We always take her to get a snow cone. Today was the last day of summer for Little Miss Ashton Raley! We had a great day....lots of playing at home, a little swimming, dinner of her choice and a snow cone for dessert!

Here is to the end of a great summer that went by really, really fast! And now we are sending our BG to second grade in the morning.....Sigh!


The Leonard Four said...

i LOVE this tradition! y'all are such great parents!

sorry that we couldn't make it! it turns out that we didn't even finish dinner until 6:40, so we never would have gottn there in time! next weekend, fo' sho'!!!

The Rasdalls said...

What a great tradition!! Can't wait to start things like with Michael :)