Saturday, August 29, 2009

photo 210...

what in the world?

This might look like normal doll clothes to you....but it isn't! It is actually a koozie that Ashton had on a water bottle earlier today. When I came to bed tonight, found this doll....dressed in a koozie! It just so happens to fit on this particular baby doll!

That is what happens when you have little kids in your house!


Becky said...

Wow! Who knew?

Poor gal just needs some pants now:)

The Leonard Four said...

HA! that's even funnier in the picture than when you told me about it! kid's minds crack me up!

Kristi Joy said...

Now that is some funny stuff!!

jarleonard said...

That might be the funniest thing I've seen in a have a budding fashion designer on your hands! :)

The Rasdalls said...

That is great! Gotta love it!