Wednesday, September 30, 2009

photo 242...

"I hoe it....I hoe it....I hoe it"

Landry LOVES these white cheddar cheetos and I love that they don't make a giant orange mess everywhere. She also LOVES to hold things...especially what she thinks are "grown up" things.

When I am making her lunch, she thinks she is starving and can't wait the few minutes it will take for me to finish making her lunch. So instead of putting cheetos on her plate, I usually give her a few to keep her from getting under my feet while I am getting her lunch ready.

Today she came in the kitchen and here is the mini convo we had...

Landry: I chee-oh...I chee-oh

Mommy: Do you want a cheeto?

Landry: Yaw....yaw. I hoe it, I hoe it. {running to the pantry and waiting patiently for me to open the door}

Mommy: Can you say I want a cheeto please?

Landry: peeeeese. I hoe it, I hoe it.

Mommy: You can hold the bag of cheetos, but you need to sit down so they don't spill.

I handed her the bag of cheetos to hold and she immediately plopped her tiny hiney down on the kitchen floor and ate a few cheetos. I of course, being the "Mammarazzi", had to grab the camera!


The Leonard Four said...

she is so darn cute! forget the cheetos, i want to hoe HER! :)

Jill said...

Landry has good tastes :) I can't believe she's getting so big!

Becky said...

OMG this sounds exactly like how our meal times go. Reese just CAN'T wait 5 seconds for any meal..sheesh! She tries to help herself to anything and everything in the pantry while I cook..ugg! Cute pic of Lan Lan:)

Kristi Joy said...

Too darn cute. Love that conversation.

Yummy, we love those at our house too!

The Rasdalls said...

The baby talk is toooo cute!! Can't wait for Michael to do more of that :) Still can't believe she is going to be 2 soon! Such a big girl :)

amanda said...

LOVE baby talk! Too cute!

And why have I not tried the white Cheetos?... I need to! Cheetos are Gracie's most favorite snack... but I hate the orange mess! Will give these a try!