Thursday, October 1, 2009

photo 243...

snotty/stuffy nose faves....

Landry woke up this morning with a bunch of sneezing along with a stuffy/runny nose. So I busted out our favorite products once again. The funny thing is that she loves the saline drops and will lay down and let me suck out her snot with a bulb syringe and put some saline drops in.

Our house smells like Vicks in addition to our fall scented Wallflowers! Isn't that nice? She is in a great mood and has no other symptoms, but we hanging out at home...we don't want to spread our germs!


Kristi Joy said...

What a good little "patient" she is! Gavin would not stand for any of that!!

Becky said...

Oh NO!! Feel better litte friend:)

The Leonard Four said...

poor little peapie! sorry to hear that lp is a little under the weather, but glad to hear that she doesn't feel too bad! hopefully it won't turn into anything more than the sniffles! give her a big fat smooch from miss jodi!

The Rasdalls said...

Hope she gets better soon!!! xoxo