Wednesday, October 14, 2009

photo 256...


This is a picture of a shadow which only happens when there good ole Texas Sunshine! We have had rainy, dreary days for weeks now with very little sunshine.

The day started out rainy, misty, foggy, and just plain yucky that Landry's playgroup didn't get to make it out to the pumpkin patch this morning. After lunch the sun started to shine and the wet mess is trying to dry out!

Sunshine makes me happy! Maybe now it will hold off for a bit and Ashton get some more of her softball games played. We have had to reschedule more than we have played!


The Leonard Four said...

AFTER LUNCH??? we got sun until about 4pm over here. but i was glad to see it FOR SURE! :)

Becky said...

Y'all didnt go either? Wanna try to go one day next week?

The Rasdalls said...

It has been rainy here also. I really like this picture!

Kristi Joy said...

Girlie, I told you to send some our way too! You TX gals are hogging all the sunshinee???

I am thrilled you all finally got some good weather. YEAH!