Saturday, November 7, 2009

photo 280...

Hold My Hand...

Tonight we had dinner with some really great friends of ours. Since they live in Keller now we don't get to see them very often so this dinner was a nice treat for us! Cash is a month and a few days older than Landry, and Emily and I just love when these kiddos get to play together.

After the kids were finished eating, they were getting restless so Emily, Ashton, and I took Cash and Landry outside to walk. As soon as we got outside, Landry wanted to give Cash a hug then he said, "Hold my hand" and grabbed Landry by the hand. They walked all over the place and were having a blast. All the people waiting for a table ooohed and aahhhed over them.

This was such a cute moment that as soon as Daddy came out with the diaper bag, I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture. It isn't great since it wasn't with my "good" camera and it was dark but still cute!

Thanks for meeting us for dinner Emily, Josh, and Cash!


Kristi Joy said...

TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. Love, love, love it!

Hold my hand! That is just too cute Erin! :)

The Rasdalls said...

o.m.g... totally love this!!! you know me, i'm all about some young lil love and this is just priceless!!

The Leonard Four said...

so stinkin' cute! i love that lp asked cash to hold her hand! LOVE IT!

Becky said...

Sooo cute! I love that girl:)

Anonymous said...

What a cute little picture!