Saturday, November 21, 2009

photo 294...

Landry's Baby...

Landry is OBSESSED with babies...real or fake it doesn't matter to her. She loves to play mommy to her babies! She has even gotten to the point where her babies need to go to bed with her.

Tonight after several attempts on my part to get her to put her baby to bed on the boppy she wouldn't have it. She got very sad....not mad....but sad that I would make her put her baby down. We decided to let her baby sleep with her as long as she wasn't playing. As I was putting her to bed she said, "Mommy, dolly night-night me. I sleep" . And she did. She didn't play, she just wanted to sleep with her baby.


Kristi Joy said...

Now that is just too darn cute. Definitely not something I had to deal with raising I love hearing (reading) about it here.

That Landry is sure gonna give you a run for your money, Sista!!

Jill said...

So sweet is all I have to say! I can't believe how much of a little girl Landry is becoming.

Anonymous said...

Too sweet! What a sweet little mommy to her baby!

Becky said...

Awww she is so sweet!
Reese has gotten in the habit of having to "tuck in" dolly,barney, dora..etc all before she will go to bed. It's really sweet she covers them up and pats and kisses them but some nights I'm like..goodnight already it's time for bed kid:)

The Johnson's said...

How precious is she, she's going to be a great mommy! I love that little smile!

Susan said...

What a cute little "mommy". It's so fun to see that nurturing side. She must get it from HER mommy. :-)

The Leonard Four said...

she's a little DOLLY! i can so hear that convo! :)