Wednesday, December 2, 2009

photo 305...

our first snow of the year....

~may be our last of the year

~was melted by around 9 am

~caused LOTS of excitement for two little girls in our house

~was a fun thing to wake up to

~had Ashton asking if she was still able to go to school since it was snowing

~allowed me to get some cute pics of the girls in their "Texas" Winter Gear


The Leonard Four said...

this post made me smile. :)

The Rasdalls said...

Jealous! We don't get anything like that here :( I'm sure the girls look just adorable in their winter gear :)

Kristi Joy said...

Awesome! I am sure they were tha-rilled!!! (And you too...that it was gone by 9am! hee-hee)

Kristi Joy said...

Awesome! I am sure they were tha-rilled!!! (And you too...that it was gone by 9am! hee-hee)