Friday, July 9, 2010

photo 159 of 365...

We left last night around 9:30 headed for our annual trip to Alabama. We drove all night while the girls slept...except at about 2:30am Landry woke up saying her tummy hurt and proceeded to puke...and at that moment I REMEMBERED that last year she got car sick. Yep...the Mommy of the Year award goes to me...I forgot my kid gets car sick! Bless her baby heart. She comes by it naturally....many people in our family get car sick in the wee hours of night and early morning including me.

So Daddy stopped and got her some of this stuff which helped tremendously!

The funny thing is that she never ever gets car sick any other time. We have taken many trips with her and she has only ever gotten twice both on the overnight trips!

Thank goodness for chewable Dramamine!


The Leonard Four said...

oh no!

that totally stinks! i didn't remember that lp got carsick last year! what a bummer!!! glad that the dramamine helped!!!

The Christenson's said...

Oh poor thing! Not fun for anyone!

Becky said...

Oh my goodness! Poor baby! Glad you guys are back