Monday, November 8, 2010

photo 281 of 365...

After swimming lessons this morning, my sidekick and I went to find her some new jammies for the cooler weather.  One of the ones we got are for actual winter...but are Landry's faves because they have "slippers" on the feeties.  She did not want to take them off once she tried them on...she said they help her hop so they are her "hoppy jammies".In fact, I had a hard time getting her to stand still long enough to get a picture which is why the picture came out blurry...I took 5 and they were all blurry!

These might have to be put up until it is actually cold enough to wear them....I see many  battles and fits over these bad boys until then if she gets her hands on them!


The Leonard Four said...

they "help her hop" this kid. :)

Kristi Joy said...

well of course they help her hop, right? I mean why wouldn't they?

Ha...I'm with Jodi, classic!! :)