Monday, April 20, 2009

photo 79...

This is what a 15 month old looks like who is TOTALLY into Sesame Street!
As you can see from the piles of laundry on my couch, I was folding clothes this morning while Landry watched her one show...Sesame Street. She decided it would be better to watch in the empty laundry basket! I of course had to snap a picture...because that is how my mind works these days! I think I am obsessed with taking could be a bit of a problem...


The Leonard Four said...

i love this kid...and i love that she felt the need to hop into the laundry basket! i bet it made s.street THAT much better! :) cutie-pie!

Kristi Joy said...

Look at those intent! If you get a free minute, read the book - The Tipping Point. It talks about the start of Sesame Street. Kinda of an interesting read. It is by Malcom Baldwin...or somethin' like that.

Obessed with pics? HA! Me too! Greg tells me - put the camera down, enjoy the moment. I can't!! I have to have a picture of it...or it didn't happen!! Right??

I love all the pics, so for one, I say snap away girl! :)

Becky said...

I love Lan Lan P!

Susan said...

Are you kidding? Snapping pictures is an AWESOME thing! I love your picture blog. Just think how fun it will be to look back on. It makes me want to do one too (maybe I'd keep up with it better - ha!)

Grammy/Mom said...

What a cute picture (one of just a million cute ones you've taken). You can tell she's got some "Bennett" in her, watching TV with the mouth open!!!