Friday, July 31, 2009

photo 181...

I just want to remember the sweet little curls that Landry has at the bottom of her hair. Ashton had the same ones!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

photo 180...

This is what happens when....

7 little girls play in Ashton's closet at the end of her birthday party....

...and we don't touch it until today~5 days later!

You couldn't even see the!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

photo 179...

Here are my latest creations....

I made these burp cloths for a friend of mine who is going to a baby shower on Saturday. I had so much fun doing them. She told me the colors were black, white, and apple green. I branched out from my norm and decided to add fabric to these. For those of you who know me, I am not a "sewer" so I was nervous as all get out. They aren't perfect, but not bad for my first time with fabric and embroidery combined. I am hoping to improve the more I do it!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

photo 178...

Are you kidding me?

Can you believe someone found Bobby's lost wedding ring? YEP....after several weeks of it being lost at the softball field some guys found it and gave it to the league director! This is after we already bought a replacement ring...but I don't care! I am so glad to have the original ring back on my hubby's finger! It needs a little TLC from the jeweler but it is not damaged at all!

Are you kidding me? I thought it was gone forever....WOW!

Monday, July 27, 2009

photo 177...


...Picnic in the living room...

...Watching a little girl movie...

...Daddy's Working...

...The Bryce Girls Night!

love it!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

photo 176...

Cotton Ball Fight!

Tonight after dinner I got a quick shower since we had already bathed the girls. While I was in the shower Daddy and the girls were watching tv on our bed. Next thing I know, Landry is carrying the bag of cotton balls around like a purse. Then she starts pulling them out one handful at a time. It didn't take long for Big Sis to start throwing them....which Landry thought was funny. Landry started in on the throwing and Ashton starts yellling..."Cotton Ball Fight...woo-hoo!"

Bobby and I thought it was pretty cute so what does the photo crazy mommy do...yep...ran to grab the camera! After the fun was over both girls helped pick up the cotton balls then it was time for popsicles for dessert.

What a great way to spend an evening with two little girls!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

photo 175...

"I've never seen a real hot air balloon before" ~ Ashton

Today after Ashton's party we decided to go out for dinner to celebrate both hers and Daddy's birthday. They chose Uncle Julio's...we weren't able to eat there since it was an almost hour long wait and with it being 6:15 already we decided we wouldn't risk it with Landry.

But anyway, we were on our way home and we spotted this hot air balloon floating in the sky. Ashton was so excited. She has seen them in a distance but never this close before. As we were driving home it actually got pretty close and she couldn't believe how BIG it was.

We have never taken her to the Balloon Festival that they have every year just because we figured she wouldn't enjoy it since they are pretty noisy. We think we may try it out this year since she was pretty interested and excited by just seeing this one.

Friday, July 24, 2009

photo 174...

Landry...Trying to Dress Herself = A Funny Mess

Today while the housekeeper (aka mommy/wife/me) was busy cleaning, Landry and Ashton occupied themselves for quite some time in Landry's room. Ashton was doing a very fine job of styling Elizabeth's (her American Girl Doll's) hair and Landry was keeping herself "busy" too.

I came in to check on them and found of Landry's swim diapers spread out on the floor. She had been trying to "dress" herself which equals to her slipping them over one of her legs. She couldn't just do this with one. She had to use every single one that had been so nicely stacked in her cabinet which created more cleaning up for me to do! That is life with a toddler...I only wish I would have captured the "dressing" herself on camera because it looks quite funny. She knows that his how you do it, but she just can't figure out how to get the other leg in...I guess she will need to keep practicing!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

photo 173...

Party Prep...Stars and Balls

Ashton is having her "Girls Rock" Karaoke Party on Saturday. As one of the favors/mini-craft the kids will decorate a microphone made from pvc pipe and foam balls. So today I was spray painting the tops of the microphones and the stars that will decorate one of the walls.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

photo 172...

Party Errands

Even though Ashton's birthday was on the 6th, we are having her party on Saturday since we were out of town. Today the girls and I had spent the morning running errands for the party. Party America was just one of the places we went to...had to order the balloons for this 7 year old!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

photo 171...

Mommy & Ashton Time

Today, Ashton and I spent a lot of time together doing some fun things. During Landry's nap we made Rice Krispy Treats with sprinkles...they were delish and lots of sticky fun!

Then this evening after Landry went to bed, we had a Mommy and Ashton movie night since Daddy had a work meeting at the Rangers game. We tried to make some bracelets with her new jewelry kit she got for her birthday from Mamo & Papo. The beads are tiny, so it took a while to get the hang of getting them on.

It was fun hanging out with my BG!

Monday, July 20, 2009

photo 170...

This picture needs an explanation.... we watched Baby Allie while her Mommy and Daddy were at work since her regular babysitter was out of commission. So along with Allie came a couple of things to occupy her when needed.

Well....Landry was in LOVE with the fact that we had Allie here all day! And she LOVED that Allie had a few toys with her. While Allie was taking her nap this morning, Landry decided to "try out" Allie's floor gym. She was giving the fish a kiss and I just happened to catch it.

When Ashton and I were going through the pictures for my 365...she said we just had to use this one because it was so funny! So here it is.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

photo 169...

Can you believe they still make these?

My parents gave this to Ashton for her birthday. So today was the day we busted it out and used it. She was very excited to make a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for her dessert tonight. This thing is right up her alley since she LOVES all things cooking!

Next we are going to try the pretzels.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

photo 168....

Can this be the same girl who has NEVER wanted to get her face painted until just this past year?

Yep it sure is...I drop her off at a birthday party and come back to pick her up and this is what she has on her face.

She loves it and was a bit sad when we had to wash it off for bed. I mean, it sparkled with glitter and everything. And yes...the face painter lady even put on lipstick...with paint!


Friday, July 17, 2009

photo 167...

N K O T B Baby!

Tonight I went with two of my favorite people, Gina and Jodi, to see New Kids On the Block...I had a total BLAST!

We screamed like teenagers, jumped up and down and were just plain excited to see them! They put on a great concert, but really...seeing Donnie Wahlberg (or D-Dub as he is now known) made it perfect! He is and was my fave!

I saw them back in October with my friend Jill and they were greatness then...and I am sure if I went to see them again I would still love it!

We had fun people watching, and seeing thousands of other 20, 30, and 40 somethings there acting just as crazy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

photo 166...

Look who has enough hair for itty bitty dragon tails in her hair!

She was so excited to see these in her hair this morning. Mommy needs a little more practice on a moving target...haven't had to that in a while...Ashton is well trained and has been for some time now!

We think she is too cute with these little piggy tails in her hair (actually we thinks she is cute anyway with or without them)...and it keeps her hair out of her face which makes me really really happy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

photo 165...

Hannah wait, that is Ashton and Macy!

The big girls are doing a "Hannah Montana" dance camp this week. Their dance instructor told them they could wear "cute and sassy outfits". These two girls were having a blast anyway, but this just totally made it even more fun.

They loved that they got to wear the Hannah Montana head set and the super sassy jazz recital costume. They have spent the week learning the "Hoedown Throwdown". Tomorrow is the big finale see more on the family blog soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

photo 164...

Fresh after a bath, watching "So You Think You Can Dance", and snuggling sisters! What could be better! I love these two little blue eyed girls! Pure Sweetness! Not only that but Landry as of today can say "sissy". Ashton is THRILLED!

Monday, July 13, 2009

photo 163...

Daddy's Birthday Celebration....a day late!

Daddy's birthday was yesterday and since we were in the car traveling home, we didn't get to have a proper celebration. We did open gifts and cards before we left his parents house yesterday morning, his three best girls sang "Happy Birthday" to him in the car, and we had a special DQ treat after lunch but that just isn't the same.

Daddy decided he didn't really want a big cake so we grabbed a few yummy cupcakes instead. Ashton had a "Breakfast Cupcake" which was cinnamon-sugar with a drizzle of icing on top; Daddy had a "Mocha Mocha" chosen by Ashton; and Mommy had a Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcake. Landry sampled some Daddy's and some Ashton's.

It was a nice little day-late celebration!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

photo 162...

Landry's first movie experience in the car....

She had done pretty good not really caring that Ashton had watched a couple of movies on our trip home. Once it got to be late afternoon, Landry decided she needed to watch a "shu". So we got it all set up for her and put in one of her Sesame Street videos. She was absolutely tickled and loved it.

Well that only lasted a few short minutes because we didn't have it "set up" for her to where she wasn't within arms reach of the buttons. She just couldn't resist pushing the buttons. After a short fit when we took it away, she was over it.

Next year we will need to have it set up correctly and we will need two I am sure. Ashton doesn't so much love watching Sesame Street anymore!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

photo 161...

Our girly-girl and softball chick all in one!

After supper today, the kids played out in the backyard while Uncle Todd and Daddy played catch. Ashton even wanted to hit the ball for Uncle Todd. I cracked up at our girly-girl in her skirt playing softball. LOVE IT....Oh how I LOVE her!

Friday, July 10, 2009

photo 160...

Hasta La Vista Key West

Today was the last day of our trip. Our flight out of Miami didn't leave until 7:45 so we still had the entire day. We had seen and done everything we wanted to in Key West so we decided to have breakfast and head to Miami. We drove part of the way with the top down and when we got hot, we put it back up. The convertible was an unexpected surprise, but something we wouldn't do with the girls so it was kind of fun!

We both really wanted to see South Beach. So we spent a few hours in South Beach taking it all in!

Our main goal was to see the tattoo shop where the tv show Miami Ink is based out of. Well we saw it, but didn't go inside or even cross the street because we didn't realize that was actually it until we were on our way to the airport.

We did however get to do some serious people watching as we walked up and down Ocean Drive. We even saw Chad "ocho cinco" Johnson from the Cincinnati Bengals so that was a fun high light. Bobby said hi to him like he knew him with " wassup ocho cinco, how you doin man" which of course made me laugh!

An end to a fun trip but we missed our girls and were ready to head home!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

photo 159...

The sunset in Key West was beautiful. We had heard that you must see it at least once while you are there. So this evening we headed to the beach early and scored a great little bench to watch the sunset. (The actual sun setting was hidden behind clouds, but leading up to it was absolutely beautiful)

It was nice to just sit for a change and talk and just enjoy each other's company. We called the girls for our daily chat and of course we people watched. After the sunset we went for a late dinner which is something we NEVER do with the girls so that was kind of fun!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

photo 158...

The beautiful Key West beach!

We spent most of the day relaxing on the beach complete with a phenomenal couples message on the beach! We loved it!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

photo 157...

B - L - I - S - S

Mommy & Daddy's view from our hotel patio in Key West...our first kid-less trip since we had kids seven years ago. Actually our last trip was to Cozumel before I was even pregnant with Ashton.

We had a blast and I have tons to post on the family blog!

Monday, July 6, 2009

photo 156...

Today is someone special's 7th Birthday!

(more to come on this special day on the family was a fun filled day complete with activities chosen by the birthday girl herself.)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

photo 155...

After a great 4th of July weekend in Tennessee playing on the lake and visiting with Mamo-the-Great, we headed home this evening. We let the girls play out back while we visited on the patio. Papo was wearing the shirt we gave him for his birthday...he loves it and so do we!

Evenings on the patio are one of the things we look forward to each summer on our visits!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

photo 154...

These are almost 7 year old hands....

Ashton was so excited to help Mamo decorate the blueberry muffin flag cake as part of our July 4th cookout celebration. This is such an easy cake to make and it was super yummy too!

Friday, July 3, 2009

photo 153...

This was taken this afternoon not long after we arrived at the lake in Tennessee. Daddy had taken Landry down to the dock with Papo,Mamo, and Ashton to dangle their feet in the water. The kiddos have to wear life jackets any time they are on the dock. You can't tell in the picture, but Landry's pants were soaked...Daddy was bringing her up to get changed. Are you surprised....we weren't!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

photo 152...

Are my parents crazy?

Landry was totally confused...tonight at 9:30 we loaded the girls in the car and left for our big trip. We prefer to travel at night on the way there for several reasons...there is not much traffic, it is cooler, we don't have to stop as often, and it gives us an extra day since we don't spend it traveling. And, since we are on the interstate most of the way....we know there is always somewhere to stop if we need to.

We always stop at McDonald's for breakfast at around 6:30 then head the last couple of hours to Bobby's parents house. Since we arrive at 8:00ish, we get a chance to unload the car and chat then we can all take a nap. Ashton does great sleeping in the car...Landry not so much!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

photo 151...

The best five bucks I spend each month...BUNCO!