Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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2nd Place Baby!

Tonight was Bunco night for me and I won 2nd place without even playing! We got to chatting and didn't play so we decided to "roll off" for the money instead. In my roll off, my awesome rolling skills got me a 15 which landed me 2nd place and $15!

Bunco is the greatest and I love the girls I play with from my teaching days!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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I LOVE me some Lady Bear Basketball!

I have grown up my entire life as long as I can remember around women's college basketball since my mom has always been in Media Relations for many different colleges and universities. My mom has been at Baylor since my junior year of high school and it has been quite interesting, especially in the last few years as the program has grown to be quite successful. I also worked as a manager for the womens team when I went to Baylor.

Anyway, the Lady Bears won a very exciting and quite nerve racking game last night to put them in the FINAL FOUR in San Antonio. So today I sported my pink Baylor Lady Bears shirt in honor of their big win!

The Bryce Fam will be heading to San Antonio this weekend and Miss Ashton and I will be attending the game....we are so excited! Sic 'Em Bears!

Monday, March 29, 2010

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I LOVE crock pot cooking...

...because it is so simple. makes the house smell delicious all day long.

....the clean up is a breeze.

The crock pot was a genius invention.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

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Ashton has been trying to learn to do a "good tight braid" for a while now. She knows how to braid, she just didn't quite know how to make look good. So today I showed her again and helped her with her fingers and she must have sat on the couch with this doll for over an hour braiding, unbraiding, and braiding some more until she got it.

She was determined and she saw how practice pays off! She is quite proud of herself and I just love that I captured her fingers hard at work.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

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Sassy Saturday #8

Today I played my FIRST real and actual game with the Cubs! Last time it was just a sckrimage game and that's not real is it? Aaaannnnyyyyy way the last game I got no hits and I didn't get a sticker! (You only get a sticker if you get a hit.) This game I got 2 hits (so I got 2 stickers) and I made some great plays and got the second game ball! I was so inprested with myself! Gooo Cubs!

Friday, March 26, 2010

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We L-O-V-E My Gym. We have loved it since Ashton turned ONE and started back in our Colorado days. In fact, both of our girls have loved it! They have learned so much and we can't forget to mention all the awesome people we have met through My Gym.

One of the other reasons we love My Gym is Parents Night Out. This allows Mommy and Daddy a once a month date night. The girls hang out at My Gym for a few hours playing, eating pizza, doing fun activities, and playing games.

I love date nights with my hubby and I am glad we take one night a month for ourselves!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

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You probably think I have completely lost my marbles posting a picture of ICE! Let me assure you that I have done no such thing.

A while back our ice maker just quit making ice-all of a sudden! Today Bobby finally called someone to come fix it {this is after much nagging on my part} so now we have ICE!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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I love when things get organized. I don't love when they don't stay that way. I love that now Landry has enough shoes to warrant a hanging shoe organizer for her closet. I don't love that she is big enough to need one of these. I do love how excited she was for me to hang this in her closet-because it is after all, just like Sisser!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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The last two mornings Landry has decided she wants to go with Daddy {she is all kinds of all about Daddy right now} when he takes Ashton to school.

This morning she ran through the house telling him to wait because she needed to get her "packpack and lunchbox" just like Sisser.

She came running her little toddler legs out of the playroom with her purple Dora Backpack on her back carrying her metal Dora Lunchbox. She was so cute and so ready for "kooool" just like Ashton.

When Ashton got out of the car, she told Daddy "I miss Ash-in already". She loves her Big Sisser and wants to be just like her!

Monday, March 22, 2010

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WHY...can't I find throw pillows with the colors I want that BOTH my hubs and I like? I looking online at fabrics (like I am going to make pillows-are you kidding me?)

WHY...have we been looking for months at every possible place and still nada? this so hard and so frustrating?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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Sassy Saturday #7 but on Sunday instead

Today is the First day of Spring and there is SNOW on the ground!!!! On the first day of Spring it is suppose to be warm and sunny so we can play outside... forget about that there was snow on the ground! I can't wait for tommaroe to come so I can see a day with out snow! Its going to be in the 60 & 70 all week! Ahhhh , I can't wait!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

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How messed up is this?

Tonight it is 34 degrees with snow ....and throughout the week we are going to get temps in the 60's and 70' messed up is this?!

Friday, March 19, 2010

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The Princess of RANCH!

Landry has a serious LOVE for ranch. She will dip just about anything in it....she requests it at almost every meal and this is the way we can usually get her to eat any kind of meat as long as she can dip it in ranch.

Today the girls and I went to Chili's for lunch and Landry was all kinds of in love with the ranch that we got with our chips. I mean she loved it. She loved that she can dip her chips in all by herself. She even started dipping chips for me and was too funny!

We had such a great lunch just us girls!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

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What did we do with out iphones and GPS systems?

So today was quite possibly the LONGEST day in history!

We went to the Fort Worth Zoo (which I have pictures and details and stories that will be on the family blog soon-I won't waste my typing or your reading at this time) and after we were done, we needed somewhere to eat and maybe get a margarita or two. Bobby used his iphone to find a place and then he used his GPS to get us there.

Wow....what a day and what did we do before there were iphones and GPS systems? Technology is greatness sometimes!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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someone was back to her "superstar" self today at swimming lessons...

That certain someone did everything Miss Sarah asked her to...someone didn't cry and have a death grip on Mommy...someone even smiled and laughed and sang songs AND blew bubbles in the water.

This certain someone was Landry Paige! Because of this, she got this "BIG GIRL" Star prize from Miss Sarah and was beyond thrilled. She has carried it around the house all day...but her favorite place to put it is on the window sill with her orange barrette that she also likes to carry around.

Two year olds are F-U-N!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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My BIG Girl!

I just had to snap a picture of Ashton this morning before we went out to run our errands. She just got this "Dance" shirt yesterday. She loves it because: it says dance, it is purple (Prodigy's colors are purple black and white which is where she takes dance) and is has sparkly glitter on it.

I couldn't believe how BIG she looked when she came out of her room! I also love the pose that goes along with the sassy new dance shirt. She told me this is her favorite shirt and she LOVES it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

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A Perfect Start to Spring Break!

The girls and I started off spring break bright and early. {Ashton doesn't need an alarm clock because her body has its own....throw in the time change that she hasn't quite adjusted to and well, there you have an early riser.} Landry and I slept in a little longer than normal but 7:45 is still early in my book. I think we wore Landry out yesterday after playing outside for so long because it is RARE that she sleeps that late.

Anyway, we had to be at the gym by 8:30 so since the girls were good sports for Mommy to workout, I treated them to Einsteins for breakfast. They were both so delighted to devour their blueberry bagels.

After breakfast it was off to Old Navy in hopes to find a few spring necessities and some flip flops for Lan-Lan. We left with a few things, but no flip flops in Landry's size. Apparently all toddler girls are wearing a size 7 these days.

The girls loved being able to spend the afternoon playing together. Day 1 of Spring Break was perfect! I am looking forward to the rest of the week with the girls!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

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On this fine Spring Day...

~We found a nest of baby bunnies in one of planters on the back porch.

~Daddy and I cleaned out the garage complete with shop vac-ing, organizing and purging which felt so good!

~The girls spent most of the day outside playing.

~Landry decided to try eating sand out of the sand table for the first time and she didn't love it.

It was a beautiful day and we took advantage of it. I hope spring is here to stay!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

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Sassy Saturday #6

Today we went to sonic to get slushys and headed to the park and enjoyed the spring weather!


Friday, March 12, 2010

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quite a yummy snack!

I have known of several people who have raved about nutella, but never tried it myself. My aunt sent us some for the holidays so we tried it and loved it!

We love eating it with these pretzel thins...the sweet and salty together is a most delicious combo! It is a fave for 3/4 of the Bryce Fam (I am sure Lan-Lan will love it when she is three and is able to have nuts) even Ashton who is really picky about what chocolate she likes loves it!

Are you a nutella lover....what is your favorite thing to eat it with?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Open House...2nd Grade Style!

Tonight we went we had the pleasure of following our BG around her school as she showed us all the things she has been working on. She (and her teacher) have been preparing some fantastic pieces of work ranging from research projects, to a fairy tale study, a little multiplication math, among many other treasures.

I love watching the pride in her face as she read us every single word she wrote and walked us through every one of her classrooms. We loved every second of it!

We are definitely two SUPER proud parents!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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A Fun Twist

So the weather here today didn't start out so great. We had a thunderstorm complete with a torrential downpour this morning which meant that Ashton's softball game was canceled tonight. But by lunchtime the sun was out and shining bright!

So after Ashton got home from school, had a snack, and a did a little homework, we put on some play clothes and headed outside to finish her homework. Yep I said finish her homework, my friend Amanda had done spelling words with her daughter outside with sidewalk chalk the other day and I thought it was genius. So we busted out our sidewalk chalk and Ashton practiced her spelling words on the sidewalk while Landry had a complete blast "coloring" with her chalk.

Once we finished the spelling words there was enough pretty spring-like weather left over for some scooter riding. It was a fantastic afternoon and I loved being outside with the girls even if it was a bit on the windy side...I will take a nice warmish wind over rain any day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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Today while we were at dance, I snapped this picture on the floor. We see this "rainbow" often and even so, Landry still likes to point it out and touch it.

The little things we take for granted sometimes are amazing in the mind of a toddler.

Monday, March 8, 2010

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this made Landry's day!

I have to start with a little background info...When Bobby and I make Ashton's lunch everyday, we always write her a little note. She totally loves this...I think it is one of her favorite things about lunch. We have done this since her first day of Kindergarten and not a day goes by that she doesn't get a note.

Well, today Bobby sent Landry an email since he doesn't get to put a note in her lunchbox yet. So when I checked my email this afternoon and I saw the email I just melted. I had no idea he was doing it. I brought Landry into the office and put her in my lap. I told her that Daddy sent her an email....and let me tell you that her little face lit up. She doesn't really "get" what an email is, but all she knew was that it was from Daddy and he was gone at a meeting.

When I read it to her, she said "I wan hode my email." So I printed it off for her. She was so beyond tickled to have that paper from her Daddy. She carried it around and "read" it lots of times.

It was such a small thing that Daddy did, but she loved it just like Ashton loves when there is a note in her lunchbox. I think she likes it even more when Daddy writes the notes but I am okay with that.

There is nothing better than having two little girls who love their Daddy so much...there is nothing better than seeing my hubby do little things like this for his two precious daughters. I have said it before, he is such a great GIRL DADDY and he wouldn't change it for the world!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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a DIY test...

This project has been in the plan for almost a year. Yep...ONE year. I found the fabric and bought it about a year ago. I explained to my hubby what I wanted to do and he wasn't totally sure it was a good idea and that WE could do it. Needless to say, we put it on hold for a while.

Then a couple of months ago we decided to go ahead and do it so I bought the batting. And we stopped there. Then last weekend we went into a model home that had one of these window cornices and when Bobby saw it he decided we could totally do it, and on top of that he thought it was a great idea.

So....yesterday we went to Home Depot and got the rest of the needed supplies to complete the project. Today was a rainy day so it was a perfect "project day". We made this thing while Landry was napping and hung it just after she woke up.

I do have to say that I love this new addition to our window in the kitchen/breakfast nook.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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Sassy Saturday #5

This is Aubrey & Elisibith. These are their new outfits. Every month I give them a new outfit to wear for the month. I dicided to do this so I don't have to do this every day since I have school dance and softball. If its a special akation I quickly do it.


Friday, March 5, 2010

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Just Like Sissy

Today Lan-Lan P was struttin' her stuff around the house in Ashton's flip flops. She thought she was so cool being just like her Big Sis. I know that Ashton LOVES how much Landry wants to be just like her...well, for now anyway.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

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AHHHHHH....spring-like weather!

What a breath of fresh air! I can hardly believe the temperature on my car thermometer said 67 degrees! It was fan-tab-u-lous...I busted out my flip flops and Ashton wore short sleeves~it was beautiful!

Bring on SPRING....lets just hope it hangs around for a while!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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The First Sign of Spring...

Today, since it is March, we busted out our new spring-ish placemats! The girls were both so excited and I am ready for spring so I am just trying to help speed things up a bit!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Ashton's Bedtime Teeth Regimen

Given the fact that Ashton's mouth is too small for all of her teeth (and has been all her life) and even more so now that she is getting permanent teeth, we work really hard at trying to keep her teeth as healthy as possible.

Her teeth are so crowded and close together that it makes her more suseptible to cavities so every night she brushes, flosses, and uses her anti-cavity fluoride rinse. She does a very good job and her favorite part is flossing (she is SO my kid)!

Monday, March 1, 2010

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Chicken Tacos with Avocado and Mango Salsa

Ummmmm...this dinner was delicious. This is a recipe I found in Cooking Light magazine ...Ashton even loves it! I don't have the recipe typed up yet which is why I didn't post it. :)

(I have posted grilled chicken with a mango salsa before...this is totally different and also really good.)